


不知道怎么看公交时刻表? Watch this!



概述了湖人线公交系统和特点. The bus route runs from GVSU Allendale Campus to the GVSU 大急流城 Campuses.

持有效学生证、教师证或职工证乘车免费. 校友和退休人员身份证不适用免费乘车. 票价信息 可以在The Rapid网站上找到吗. Please be prepared for fare enforcement officer (not driver) to ask for proof of payment/ID on the Laker Line.


点击这里访问所有的 路线及时间表.

Fall / Winter Semesters (in general, 第一天上课到考试周结束, 除了以下例外情况)

  • Dates of 假期/中断服务 to include:
    • 秋天:劳动节周末, 感恩节, 12月学期休假, Christmas Eve through New Years Day and days prior to start of Winter Semester.
    • WINTER: Spring Break, Semester Break prior to start of Spring Semester

春季/夏季学期(一般而言, 第一天上课到考试周结束, 除了以下例外情况)

  • Dates of 假期/中断服务 to include:
    • 春天:阵亡将士纪念日周末
    • SUMMER: Independence Day Recess, Semester Break prior to start of Fall Semester

所有留在巴士上的物品将被送回 快速中央车站保安/遗失 & Found.
Occasionally items may be taken off the bus by another rider and turned in to the 2020 Info Desk at Kirkhof Center (616-331-2020) or to GVPD (616-331-3255).

你可以免费乘坐市内任何一辆快速公交. 点击这里获取到达目的地的帮助.

GVSU understands that there are many different needs for each individual person and we try to address each suggestion that we have. We simply cannot go to all locations and do our best to provide the most appropriate service that we can. 如果你对地点有想法, 点击这里提出建议. 另外,别忘了填写我们的 年度调查 让我们知道你的想法.


The 湖线快速公交系统 (BRT) buses began service on 8/24/20 and have replaced standard busing on Route 50. 新型快速公交的载客量更大(铰接式公交), wifi, level boarding and real-time arrival time display at enhanced stations, 和交通信号优先为更快的通勤. 

- ADA功能:

  • The name of the route on all buses is announced externally every time the bus opens its doors.
  • Level platform boarding for Laker Line; "kneeling" w external platform for the 37/48/85 route buses.


  • Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop at the bus stop, 在接近前门之前.
  • 请只在前门上车.
  • 请从后门出去. 这将加快旅客登机的速度.
  • 下车后请不要从前面过马路. Please wait until the bus has pulled away from the bus stop and you have a clear field of vision in both directions before crossing the street.
  • 请使用指定的巴士站. For your safety buses may only board or alight passengers at designated stops.
  • Please do not stand in front of the yellow line in the front of the bus. This is a federal safety regulation to allow the bus driver a clear field of vision.
  • Please hold on to a post, if you are standing, while the bus is in motion.
  • Please move to the rear of the bus after boarding, so that as many as possible may board the bus.
  • Please use the next stop requested to signal the driver that you would like to exit at the next stop.
  • 请乘早一点的车, especially during peak times and inclement weather when there may be many more passengers using the bus, 以确保你准时到达目的地.
  • Please check that you have all of your personal items (backpack, purse, gym bag, etc.当你下车的时候.
  • 请注意安全,过安全愉快的一天!


The GVSU Bus Service provides free transportation on and between campuses for faculty, 教职员及学生. 该系统以固定路线、定期服务的方式运行. Service is scheduled to have the maximum number of buses going between campuses at peak times.

  • 过度拥挤: 在高峰时间,公共汽车会很拥挤. Plan to leave earlier at those times and expect crowded conditions. Our buses are designed to hold standees equal to the seating capacity. 当登上满载的巴士时, standees should move to the rear of the bus to allow additional passengers to board.

Laws require that no passengers stand in front of the line marked on the floor of the bus to ensure that the driver has a clear view and to protect passengers in the case of a sudden stop. 装车时, the driver will determine when the bus has reached its capacity even though it may seem to passengers that more space is available.

  • 上车及下车: Passengers should be waiting at the bus stop prior to the scheduled times. 公共汽车只在指定的车站载客. 乘客上车应走前门. 乘客下车应走后门. Using the front door to exit the bus interferes with the passengers boarding and paying the fare and will slow down the boarding process. 这反过来又会导致公共汽车晚点, 给机上其他乘客带来不便.

注意你的目的地. Do not ring the bell prior to the bus stop before your desired destination. Whenever possible, wait until bus has turned onto the street where your stop is located. Only one ring of the bell is necessary to alert the driver that you want to get off at the next stop. 下车后,请勿横过或站在车前. This will keep the bus from leaving the stop and delays other passengers. 等公共汽车离开车站后再过马路.

移动的车辆总是危险的,尤其是大型公共汽车. Never run alongside a moving bus, or pound on the side to get the driver's attention. Once a bus starts moving, the driver will not stop to pick up additional passengers. 一大群人经常在公共汽车站等候. It is dangerous to press towards an oncoming bus while it is still moving. 前面的人可能会被迫进入公共汽车的路径



  • 提前计划好路线. Know the bus schedule, so you aren't forced to wait longer than necessary.
  • 观察你周围人的行为.
  • 尽可能和朋友或同事一起旅行.
  • 如果在骑行路线上需要出示身份证, have it ready so that you don't have to fumble with your purse/wallet.
  • 避免与陌生人交谈,尤其是在偏远地区. 不要泄露任何个人信息. 和你说话的人可能没事,但其他人可能会无意中听到.


  • 轻快而自信地走到目的地
  • 走路的时候扫视周围,注意周围的人.
  • 如果有人看起来可疑,远离他/她.
  • Have your keys out and ready before you reach your vehicle/residence.


  • 尽量避免单独的公交车站. When riding a bus, use a stop that's well lit and near a coffee shop/store that's open.
  • When waiting for a bus, stand near other passengers and in well-lighted areas. 车一到就上车.
  • 任何时候都要保管好你的物品.
  • Don't get too involved with reading/listening to music while you wait. Stay alert!

On the Bus:

  • Always be alert and aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Stay awake.
  • Refrain from listening to music or wearing headphones while riding the transit system (iPods, cell phones, and portable radios will distract you and could make you a potential target).
  • 任何时候都要保管好你的物品. 紧紧抓住你的钱包或公文包. 不要把它放在你旁边的座位上. 把它放在膝盖上或楔入两脚之间.
  • 下班时间, ride as near the bus driver as possible; find a moderately crowded section of the bus.
  • Sit near the aisle so you can get up quickly if someone bothers you.
  • 远离那些看起来喝醉了的人.
  • 如果发生故障,通知司机.
